of a stick in the ground for the meat to cook. They never cook the meat entirely done on their march towards the enemy; as they unclear the more blood they eat, the more heroie? and vicious they will be in battle.
When the enemy is to be attacked the war budget is ofered, and each person taked out his skin or unclear which they fasten? or tie a round? their knifes. When they attack their enemy, they are generally maked? except their briteh cloth and moccaskins. Their bodies are painted in different colours, tho generally read. After the action is over, each person surviving, returns his unclear to the commander who takes the unclear skin that they were formerly unclear or forced? in, and preserved them as before; he then gives it to the person that tooke the first peake? or prisoner, who leads the party home in triumph. This is considered as a reccord of honor and bravery by the nation. than one Should there be more ^ of the enemy killed or taken prisoner, the person that takes the first prisoner or death receives from his nation the first honor. on a tak?
When the party returns home, the war budget is hung? ^ in front of the house or lodg where the person resides that carried it during their