This settlement is on the East of Tallapoosa - on a wide creek which gives name to it _ 12 miles nearly from the river.
From Burges's 30 miles above the mouth of the river Flint
to Wethlucoochee 16_20/
O,ke lock,eime 18_30/ yds and deep St Marks 40 _ Half a mile. Aussille 40. 50/shallow. Sawaune 70. 120/ Picaulata 130. two miles. St. Augustine 25
Information relative to the waters & country on the post road commencing at Ka,le,be near the Agency on that creek. miles width in feet.
Ka'le'be 30 Ke'beihat,che 4 30 lands. post oak, clay, good range for stock O,fuk,shee 2 60. post oak, small hickory, clay, red oak Noo,coose,chaps 2 8 post oak, planes, clay, red oak. Kit,to,me 14 60. post-black-oak-plains,clay. Pilth,lau,le 7. 20 do All waters of Alabama Pinchune 2. 20 do In,tuck,kee 4. 10. do O,pil,thluc,io 6. 10 do
1st Fork of 3. 10 do 2d do 3. 15. do
Uss,ee au,sau 4. 4 Oak-hickory-chestnut water Ko,ne,cau
10. first pine land left 4 by 5 miles - clay -
Suck,pul,gau 23. 15. oak, hickory, walnut.
3. pine ridge to Ko,ne,cau, wide in places. 10 to 15 miles level clay land -