theater. It was a musical show with pussycats, Indians, fancy dancing, and plenty of fun.
Cousin Martha, Sam and Mrs. Western took dinner with us a week ago Saturday. Martha is a nice looking little girl, and can toddle around and talk a bit. will be
two years old the last day of March.
Am enclosing X or 2 V's, rather. Glad you liked "The Girls". The book critic is The News fussed considerably at the ending, being displeased that Edna Ferber
saddled Lottie with a war baby but to me, the ending was the best part. It seemed so natural that after the repression that Lottie had endured in her earlier years, she should finally burst her bonds and go to the limit, so to speak.
Am reading Main Street from the library. Very good so far. Have you read it? Baby awake so must stop. 6 months old today. 17 1/2 lbs. yesterday. Much love, Katharine.
Malcolm 18 1/4 at 6 months.