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or some other form of pneumonia - and in that case serum wouldn't help." The Pneumonia Fellow was at length located and his services sollicited , but he was sorry that he was on his way out of the hospital. This sounded to me like a bluff. "Well, Mr. C., it looks as if you were going to have to put up with my unqualified [written over: incompetent] bacteriology. You need better!" Stung with exasperation, however, I lined up the testing sera, searching the slides and comparing the organisms until I came across a pair of coccal forms which, by focusing up and down and adjusting [written over: shuffling] the light, appeared to be surrounded by a translucent aureole. I didn't doubt that I was viewing the capule swelling phenomenon but I could not understand why I should find it only once and I was afraid that it did not actually represent the causative organism. But soon Art stopped by again and we decided not to risk further delay. He put in an emergency request at the Public Health for the first dose of the corresponding serum which arrived by special messenger