J. W. Zeh, B.S., M.D. Physician & Surgeon 4642 N. 46th Ave. Chicago
Dec. 3, 1914
Dearest Mummie
Have got my washing done and the house partly cleaned so will have a little recreation now in the way of letter-writing. I don't usually wash on Thursday but Monday and Tuesday were rainy and Wednesday wasn't much better. We had a very nice time at the card party, given by the I Will Club. I think I told you we were planning to attend it. Mrs. Allen won first prize for the ladies and Mr. Slagle got the men's prize. Mrs. A.
s prize was an oil painting which had been executed by the hostess' mother. The other prize was two books on the geography and points of interest of Pompeii and Venice. I don't believe Mr. Slagle enthused much over them. I know Max didn't.
Glad you have a new cook stove. No, you didn't send me the miniature souvenir post cards of N.Y. Shall be very glad