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book on the top shelf in the back row, so all is well.

Got the toilet basket trimmed yesterday found quite a sizable piece of white [vorle]left over from my graduation dress-more than enough for the purpose cut two round pieces for the button of the basket, putting a layer of cotton a long straight piece of the goods and sewed it on to the round piece top of the basket. Am recovering pin cushionwith same material. Scrubbed basket out with soap and water first as was quite dusty. While doing the trumming visted with Dorothy Curtis who is looking after Mrs. C's household (Mr. C, Wendell, 4 boarders, herself & 2 babies)While Mrs. C is in Arkansas visiting with Ester, who has been on the [Lyeuon] all winter and expects to return very soon. Wendell came home for the Easter holiday, and refused to return, saying they were too [strict] (it was a military school) so he is now in the eight grade here. Yes, Mrs. Bacon recovered. Have not called on her nor heard anything of her lately. Malcolm wore the black velvet [onousers] [pongee] blouse, black patent leather slippers and short socks when he went to have a Chicago and bokedquite like the Baul Miche. Sam was there and the rest of the family. Mrs. Western sent me some