From Newberry Transcribe
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positive order on the Pennsylvania Rail Road. In this fire the entire finished manuscript, and drawings were totally lost. This present edition therefore is the result of a laborous application to the field notes, and other sources of information from which this work has been rebuilt. The drawings are all from the authors pen. and are made not from conjecture but from the actual object, or photograph as the case may be, each drawing may be taken as a reproduction of the object depicted exact in every detail unless otherwise stated.

In procuring the data for this work we have been generously assisted by Mr James J Hill of Saint Paul, and Mr L. Rydor of Milwaukee (formerly of Chicago). Through the courtesy of these gentlemen and the Rail Roads of which they are the representatives, we were enabled to prosecute the study of the indians, and penetrate into their territory, to procure information of the life and habits of this race of people, without which this work would have had little value.

Among the many others who have extended a helping hand, and to whom the reader through this author is indebted, we would mention, Capt H. R. Brinkerhoff, Capt George F. Cooke, Hon. Henry M Rice, Henry R Crale?, Fletcher Williams, Josiah B. Chaney, Gustave H Beaulieu, H.H. Hins?, Rev. C Edgar Haupt, Rev. - - Fillmore. Dr P.M. Holl, Dr John C Adams, Dr W.A. Phillips, C.S. Stobie (Artist), Rev. John P. Williamson, George I Pearson, Mrs George I Pearson, James Choose?, Daniel Sullivan, Edward F. Wyman, Walter C. Wyman, Herman H. Chapman, Mrs Capt J. L. Viven, A. E Tayler, Rev. W. A. Sherman, Mr A.E. Read, Wm. B Bogart, Mrs Wm. B Bogart, Mr Robert E. O'Brien, J. H. Walsh, Billy Washington, Wm. J Fairbanks, Dr. J A Kennicott. Mr Benedict Gauthier, Mrs Daniel Sullivan, J.S. Dickenson, E.W.Cooke, James H Hammill.