=Not so with the brute creation. Yet instinct has something akin to it, viz; Sympathy for each other. =Hence moral responsibility has two phases. viz; positive and negative. It is careful to do nothing that will be a moral injury to another (Our example). and not to neglect to do that which will be a moral help. Ills Each. Dr Waylands illustration. Prairie fire which sweeps away a whole village. The man who set it + excuses himself by saying. It burnt -itself- of its own accord because it was of wood. Houses too near together. Men should take better care of their property. Never said he would not set fire argument of whisky men +c =Take the other phase. Suppose he saw the fire raging and it was in his power to save that town yet did not. for some foolish reason. >Where would we place responsibility in such a case? Ills of Influences of Childhood upon Char. What we are is the result of Associations of Good?