From Newberry Transcribe
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6 3. Religious The Bible_His Supremacy not one morale of a foregiving sufficient. The Prin. Men of the Ref. believed in the Supremacy of the B- Lyndale _ Wickcliffe_Erasmus More. Colet. Luther. Melanchthon. Savonarola_Frederick_ Henry VIII? F. 26 Annals. (Entire line crossed out) Zuingle "36" Hess "40" Waldenses + other Sick(?) The Principal Events grew out of this n___(?) Marbys(crossed out) Translations under Wickliffe Huss. +c Martyred Use of Printing Press_ Controlled Luther Even before he discovered the Bible Fame originated in his bold view. Made a doctor because of it. Wittenberg Estate to maintain it. Gave him courage to write his Theses Diet of Worms. Burn with Papal Bull