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4/ committee and also of the Child Welfare Campaign committee I suggested that we have three weekly meetings in Aug. devoted to Child Welfare topics. The first a closed meeting of married women to discuss Birth Control, the next one to discuss the topic which the campaign was specially devoted to throughout the U.S Maternal mortality- and the third to be Flag Day (a flag presented to each household having a baby) Registration Day and a Baby Parade, all in ones. Well, our secretary, Mrs. unclear, wife of the Mayor, a former practicing MD. who specialized in treating babies, a woman who is always bragging of having been all over Europe and conducted partied there, and for this town a bright well-informed woman, the present local editor of the A. P. Press, got up and opposed my program from start to finish. Said she was going to work every minute of her spare time this summer for The Red Cross. Brought in all the sob stuff about