From Newberry Transcribe
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the balance. Well I'm glad I'm out of it. The work is drudgery for the most part. In fact, anybody who is there is simply Mrs. Pelton's hired girl and besides that, they have to work to keep the hotel going ad get nothing for it. The place is too small to make anything on it. One has to do most of the work because you can't afford to hire, and what help one gets is inefficient because cheap. Rossie is worth more than $3 per week but she is a nervous wreck, and has more ailments than I ever heard of before in one person. She is 27 or 8 and says her best days are over! How I'd love to see Babins play with the kgn balls! I enclose a dollar for you to send to The Thomas Charles Co. Chicago for a new set. Ask for 1 box No. 1. And if it weighs 1 lb. so send stamps (5 cents) to pay postage. I have shown his pictures to everybody, and Mother has now sent them to Frank to return. Mrs. Alice Fenton, whom I knew before she was married, has a baby girl just 3 days younger than Malcolm. She weighs 12 lbs. I know she doesn't begin to come up to Babins, but I love the little thing because she is so near Babin's age. She helps me to realize how big he is and how he is developing. I hope you will come down next winter and stay as long as possible. If you come about the middle or end of Jan. and stay until the middle of April you will miss the coldest weather up there and see the best of the year here - our Spring. My! I'm warm! Sweating like a butcher. It was 90 degrees after sundown last night and that is hot weather. I slept under a sheet and a blanket tho - a very thin wool one. Just been out to look at the burned trees. They look pretty bad. some g.f. like big marbles sticking out of the end of bare limbs. I enclose some of the buds for you to see. No new growth has started on the scorched trees. Can hardly tell how badly they are damaged. The first fruit is as large as tennis balls.