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I a Christian man have not had a more holy life then in years gone by. I look over the lives of holy men. Some have unclear then singlend of unclear then centering faith and love. and unclear as for me such unclear in life is not possible. It is for men whose by unclear in life one me unclear those of religion. unclear I unclear be unclear religions and god not hinder my earthly prospects. I discover I have a budline sin. that sooely tempts me. I try to be consistent as a Christian. Thy main defect this year. God is not unclear in my unclear life. In the unclear of private unclear and of reading the Scripture I never had more unclear in my life. One singular thing has happened to one in my thoughts and stud in my duleis ever since my boyish days. I am going to a country where are unclear boundaries nor unclear. I mill over my stud sound of duleis.that when I unclear them they may be fresh and a unclear of unclear youth to me. now they sow performance men from habit and from long continuance see a lack. While in bulifomia I umitted thus unclear the seen of Consceince and unclear my unclear of love and faith remain unused but I found in my arrival here a land of churches that I had almoen bad. Lidden I find in house work to regain the old path having a unclear habit to cuale. I think had it not been for the inciting example of Christian brethren