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Articles of Agreement made and concluded at New York, in the State of New York, this 26th day of February AD 1842, by and between Pierre Chouteau Junior & Co. of Saint Louis in the State of Missouri, of the first part, and Hercules S. Dausman of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, and Henry H. Sibley of St. Peters, Iowa, parties of the second part-- Witnesseth: Article 1st. The parties hereto mutually consent and agree by these presents to enter into an agreement to carry on their joint account, the trade with Indians and Whites now presented by the American Fur Company of New York, in connection with Joseph Rolette, and the said Dousman and Sibley, under the name and Style of "Western Outfit," which said trade so carried on with cease by elimination of contract, on the 1st August next, (1842). The name and style of the business contemplates by the present agreement shall be "Upper Mississippi Outfit," and shall embrace all the trade with whites and Indians, on the Mississippie River and its tributary waters above Dabugue mines. And in no case shall the parties of the first part interfere directly on indirectly with the business of Upper Mississippi Outfit, by furnishing