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cheerful, but if we feel discontented and unhappy, how changed the scene: although we may be in the same place that before seemed so changed, although the very same comforts surround us, all is now glowing and unclear]; everything seems to add to already sad feelings. Then, I guess I had better stop this lingo? -- as I said before, I feel pretty well today. I think I shall be able to home before long, and that makes me so happy. I shall feel bad, very bad to leave the good folks here, they have been so good so very kind to me. I know that I never can repay them. Oh, my sisters, I cannot tell you, you never can know, in this world, how very much they have done for me. You can join with me in feeling grateful to them, and I unclear that you be, and that you love them for my sake: but still you cannot know, as I do, how very deeply I am indebted to these dear friends for all they have done for me. -- I did not go out yesterday afternoon it was so unpleasant, but I went up to the parlour instead. The girls played on the piano for me; I had a very pleasant time. Today I have been out again; it was rather cold but I had a thick shawl on and a hood, so I guess it did not hurt me. Thursday 22.-- You need not think that I dispise my pencil just because I have commenced writing with ink, I do not give up old friends quite so easily; no, I believe I shall always love to write with a pencil, just because I have used one so much since I have been sick. -- You would not be surprised to hear I was tired if you knew all that I have done this afternoon