Fifth Precept Filial Duty.
Eafs?? Nindfor?? Feb. 12. 1792
Exodus 20. 12. Honor Thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long uopn?? the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
The First table of the law, begins with our duty to God, the unclear, with the duties thar?? we are to our natural parents. For next to God, they demand our reverence, love and obedience. They are in God: stead?? to children. As parents and children are mutually dependent on God, children are especially dependent on their parents.
Their command in the most?? important of those?? of the unclear table of the law and therefore placed the first for to him who fulfils all filial duty unclear mind is habitually unclear with filial piety?? with reverence and love to his parents, the unclear