torn edge of page congregation. The ceremony of course? nation commenced at half past ten in the morning. At that hour the Bishop, in his robes, followed by nine of the clergy, in their teeoplies?, entered the church and proceeded up the entire aisle in the chancel, repeating the 24th Psalm, alternately, the Bishop one verse, and the clergy another. After the clergy were seated within the chancel, the request for consecration was made by the Rev/ Mr Gniff of N. York, the sentence of consecration was afterwards read by the V rev Dr. Butler of Troy image of two circles with vertical lines through them
"Whereas, the chiefs of the first and second christian party of the Oneida Nation have by an instrument bearing date of the 21st day of September in the year of our Lord 1819, appropriated a building erected for Divine worship at Oneida Castle, County of Oneida, State of New York, to the worship and service of almighty God,