in working off very nearly 20.000 copies as you see, but this sale has been made at a tremendous cost and the total sale thus far will hardly pay for these expenses & for the great expense incurred in getting up the book. As near as I can figure it I shall come out about even, losing a years work and effort of my own, which might have counted for something or some other book. I put too much money into getting the work up to ever make one penny out of it. The praise of friends and enthusiastic newspaper notices do not put the cash into my pocket, however satisfactory those things may be in another sense. The sale is really about over. I question whether I shall ever bring the number sold up to 22.000. If I cannot do this I shall have a big stock of printed plates, cuts & chromes, on hand & the result will be a round loss. I have done everything I could think of to make sales, & what are sold in the future will be sold here a few & there a few - the result of former advertising and effort. I know that you appreciate the style I brought your book out in; and I have, beside, paid 70 or over one thousand eight hundred dollars. In view then of what you have received & the fact that the book has not been a profitable one to me, I ask you if you will surrender your claim to further