From Newberry Transcribe
Revision as of 05:08, 11 December 2020 by imported>CastleCourt
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my tackle is nearly all too old. Most of my flies I have had since the war & though they appear good as ever they wont stand a big fish I had on my hook this afternoon at least 12 lbs of fish I brought today about 4 lbs - I'll try to change this next time. This is the finest trout stream I have ever seen but the trout stay only in spots I happened to strike an extra good spot - Are off the road by which Mackenzie might return to the [?] & feel better as I feared he might interfere with me - Nice camp - Ice in camp last night & cold tonight - Scared up a Deer very close to camp but he got away - Ida quite sick - glorious fish supper & to be almost as soon as ark - about 24 miles today -