companions on truly odious, and this "Berkshire", management is sadly in arrears. for I have been half ill and faint for the unclear of food. I hear there are complications in the peace declaration, and other wars may arise out of this, all the men I have spoken to say that when the time expires under which their contract reads they are through with was, & nothing but a draft will bring them out again.
Siboney will soon be abandoned,
there was some talk of every one leaving on the Hospital ship which left yesterday from Santiago, - so they will have broken camp by now. will close and write you from New York or Washington if I find I must go there. Yours with Love - Amy - upside down Found old Siboney and ye little crabs- and hail ye land of the star spangled banner In coming, unclear as brown as the unclear & vains of the tropic dye 'em, a veteran of hard luck and yellow fever etcetera - I'm pretty near as hollow as a crabs claw but a little feed and rest will do wonders