Sun. July 25 fair, hot. S.S. 9 a.m. came home with Franklin + stayed with him during church. Lake Ave 27 present. Mrs Sears. Mrs Reynolds. Miss Rolling + Harry R. CE. bonsie. Sears, Bethel man, preached. Mon 26 cloudy, sprinkle often, clear a while in p.m. a.m. hoeing on flat Jo Eli + I (Ike Bentons lawn) p.m. hoeing corn at south end. jo. Eli. Ike. I horse shod new shoes all around. Eve. Lee Day called Tues. 27 rain (not much) a.m. went to hill lot, hoed 1 row of corn a piece 4 rows, caught in rain, home, studied SS lesson read a little Greek + German. p.m. mowed in orchard. Eve. C.E. business meeting Wed. 25 cloudy then fair. Family picnic. Jo, Eli, Ike, Keyes, Nelson, Franklin, and I in wagon with Belle horse, John + Carrie on wheels. Father + Marion on Electric cars. Net stayed at home. Thurs 29 fair a.m. Jo, Eli, + I to hill lot hoeing: I planted ternips + beans p.m. Jo, Eli + I hoeing. Eve. prayer mtg + teachers mtg Fri 30 fair warmer a.m. kids work in garden at home. I set up oats for Geo, blk berries. p.m. Eli + I + Keyes + Nelson to hill lot. Keyes + I plant turnips. Father does not go to farm now days, can't ride see June 5.