& writing, as well as in domestic & agricultural concerns. Their Friend James Vann, who had promoted their temporal well being, in every pofsible
Manner terminated his existance Feb 18th 1809 at Mr unclear Buffingtons house, where he fell by the hand of an enemy. In consequence of this unhappy affair the situation of the Mifsionaries became rather doubtfull, but their friend Charles Hicks comforted them, by encouraging them to persevere in their Mifsionary work & afsured them of his influence in the National Council. Mrs Margarett Vann, widow of James Vann located herself, after her husbands death, in the inmmediate visinaty of the Mifsion &it soon became manifest that a devine unclear of Grace was progrefsing in her heard; and on the 13th Aug 1810 the Mifsionary john Gambold had the satisfaction of administering the Ordinance of Baptism to her. She was the first Cherokee convert & unclear the name of Anna. At this solemn transaction all the spectators were deeply affected some giving vent to their feelings by crying aloud. Among them was Charles Hicks, who declared that he could not describe the solemn feelings that pervaded his Soul, & should never forget them. April 16th 1813 Mr Hicks, afterwards a distinguished principal Chief of the Nation was solemnly baptized & rec. the name of Charles Renatur. This transaction like the former one, was also accompanied by a blefsed feeling of the Devine of left a favourable imprefsion upon the afsembled multitude. From this time the number of converts increased gradually so considerable, that it was found necefsary to erect a special meeting house, which was solemnly consecaated by Mr John Gambold afsisted by Mr A. Stiner who happened to be at Spring place on a visit- Nov 14th 1819. On which day 2 new Converts viz. William Hicks- the brother of Charles Renaur, & Mrs Ridge wife of the famous Major Ridge were solemnly baptized & rec. into the Church. These two individuals resided at Oochgelogy, a place about 30 Miles South of Spring place where a revival had taken place. It was therefore thought expedient