supposed to contain about 10,000,000 of a cus? of layed. A is divided into eight districts or -- Counties by a Special act of the National -- Council & their boundaries are distinctly designated and defined. A census of the Nation was taken last year (1825). by order of the Council to asartain the amount of property and unclear able persons within the Nation. The correctness of this may be relied on, and the population proved to Sec _ 13.583 native citizens 147 white men married in the Nation 73 white + women do and 1.277 Africal slaves. to which - if we add 400 cherokees who took reservations --in North Carolina & who are not included in the census & who have nice unclear again among us, the Cherokee Nation will contain 15.480 inhabitants. There is a scanty -- instances of African mixture with the Cherokee blood, but that of the white may be as 1 to 4 occassioned by intermarriages which has been increasing in proportion to the march of civilisation. The above population is dispersed over the face of the Country on separate farms: word scratched out villages, or a community, having a common enclosure to protect their unclear have disapproved.