p.m shell beans with kids. Cleared off at night. Sunday April 18 1899 Easter. Clear beautiful. frosty morning. South wind warming up. Sunrise Meeting 6 a.m. Late to church and could not find a seat all full went to Methodist. S.S. all boys present except Crandall. New boy at? Jendroio. Lake Ave. only 8 present. Called at Frank Luther on way back. C.E. not Ch. LeMaster here in eve. Swallows (barn I think) Kinglets G.C. and R.b. Mon 19 colder colder north wind. fair somewhat. Cut down cherry tree in front yard.
Tues. 20. very hard frost. fair. a.m. cut up cherry tree. Lizzie LW. to Cleveland p.m. Father and I to wood lot? trim hedge. Kinglets both kinds. chewink. White-throated Sparrows several. whistle. Robin's nest 2 eggs in Fulton pear tree. Eve. C.E. business mtg. and Extorsion social.
Wed 21 warm. fair. a.m. Bureau of Lizzie's from freight depot. Mend fence behind barn. Manure the asparagus bed p.m. Father and I to wood lot. Father spread manure I piled up hedge brush and grabbed up young poplars eve. First Cong. Society plans for new Institute? Church and free pews. Quartette practice at Crehare's? Lincoln Club program Com. at Gardner's room. Swallows. Brown Creeper. White throated Spar. RC Kinglets Woodlot white with Spring-beauty. acres