296 369. Afghans?, in heads of Indus, descended from Hebrews. Those who belonged to tribe of Hoacher?, were in own country called Ischan, Iran, Igon (Joseph: Antiq. Book 8. Ch 13. Sec. 6. sec 8. --) & by another corruption, Enghaus & afterward Igon. There probably emigrated thence who livd in Intish & distroyed from all tutrs of Scyther as Igors. 4. Eblem 360. Mind to Volga in 48. Thence to n. of Siberia in 405 -- for fear of the Gerngen. 1 Herod. 320. 2 Herod 326. 1 Eib 852 (?352) 4 Eib. 660 (1u 3600 7 Gib. 204, 285, 293. 11 Gib. 406. 371 A part of these Nepthalites (other name fultums) may have joined brethren who had gone to Liberia. 4 Givvon 368 4 Gibbon 370, 372. There is not among out Indians any emblem of the resurrection; nor the tradition of any miraculous performance; nor, in Christ, any of those striking facts which are recorded in the New Testament, nor even of the destruction of the Temple by the Romans, an event which dispersed the Jews into all parts of the world, & particularly into Mesopotamia & Media, then under the power of the Partheauis Joseph was 6.2.ch 16. Sig 4 -- strike out: Exod ch. 2. v. 10. (mistake no doubt)