Milo 29th July 1850
J.M. to I.S.
In Statu quo. We have had a Powerful and protracted rainstorm which caught & damaged much Hay Charles had but two loans out which was about Spoilt. Galeopsis tetrahit Hemp Nettle a labiate plant with strongly spiny toothed Calyx. Lobelia kalmii, one plant, found on the intervale; it belongs on Lime ledges. Mentha Canadensis, indiginous, two varieties. Spiranthes (Neottia) cernua. Monotropa uniflora, in dense evergreen thicket, across the River a new junkus, very small, four or five inches Elodia virginicas (hypericaceae) is the red leaved plant growing in intervale Swale. Catmint, Nepeta, happily discover'd on the Marston lot in the old cellar hole. I have identified 3 species of hypericum, & one, of each of its allied genera; ascyrum, (N?Morus & Elodia which has purplish flowers another Species of lysimachia nothing else worthy of remark