Tuesday clear warm Wind N.W. unclear at unclear traveled about unclear Wed unclear clear cool Wind N.W. struck tent at 8 A.M. traveled over a good road on 12 M from city camped hired cattle unclear 2 unclear old school water, passed some unclear springs + willow springs Thur 11 clear cool Wind N.W. struck tent at 8 A.M. traveld over a good [?road?] to Kaye creek some grass + wood camped on bank 2 m from road Friday 12 clear warm Wind N.W. struck tent at [?9?] A.M. traveled over a good road to Ogden City some unclear good grass + water wood Sat 13 clear warm wind N.W. struck tent at 8 A.M. traveled over very good road about 6 m from unclear camped good grass + water passed some hot springs in unclear saw Boise unclear