unclear 15 Friday clear cool Wind S.W. struck tent at 8 A.M. traveled over rolling land [?came?] to the old road good road unclear clear creek passed [?Avenuve?] Rock [?Alka?] li swamp clear creek capmed at willow Springs good water + [?food?] grass scarce we drove off unclear Sat 16 clear cool Wind S.W. struck tent at 8 A.M. traveled over [?prospect?] Hill to Green creek 3 M unclear harpess 3 to Woodworths 3 for Grease Wood ch 2 mile Camped on gereasewood cr. Wild unclear fuel good grass from unclear Sunday 17 clear + cloudy warm Wind S.W. struck tent at 8 A.M. traveled over sandy road 6 m to Alhihi Lake 4 unclear unclear Rock 1 to [?sweet?] unclear P. Rock is large rick of granite 300 Fargs long 150 broad 150 high passed Devil Gate [?sweet wate paper?] unclear a chasm 20 ft at bottom + 60 unclear