hours before he could understand or comprehend his situation you can imagine better than I can tell what my unclear was all this while when he got so as to talk he would half speak his words or begin to speak one thing & say another - would keep saying whats the matter Mother (& sometimes call me Anna what has happen'd to you - what is it &c. I thought of Paralesis (sic), of every thing dreadful of his wife, & children, of my utter helplessness - I cant write it if ever I see you I'll tell you - He got better but had a dreadful head ache however he slept a little & got so that we started for Buffalo tuesday got here in the night - & here we are 2 o'clock thursday 10th the storm is so bad - Cars from Cleaveland (sic) just got here been 2 1/2 days from there There are hundreds of passingers (sic) here at this Hotel & dont know how many at other places waiting - 4 or 5 car loads