42 Panama belongs to the republic of New Grenada. This republic in conjunction with Venezuela and Equador once formed the confederation of Columbia. In 1838 they dissolved connection - divided the public debt and have since continued to administer their own affairs. The vice royalty of New Granada was instituted in 1517. The accession of Joseph Bonaparte to the throne of Spain - gave the first impulse to the colonies - to throw off the Spanish yoke - which they did generally - proclaiming themselves republics in 1819. The congress of New Grenada meet at Santa Fe de Bogota. They appoint Governors - Alcaldie to the various provinces and towns withing their jurisdiction. Panama as a province has its governor as a city -its alcaldi. The soldiers form the police. During the quiet disposition of its inhabitants - criminal actions are few - so that the cases which come before the alcalde are mostly civil cases. It is difficult to carry through a case - justice here as in our own courts - moving with tardy steps.