Thursday July 14, 1864
What do you think if me, my dear Mrs. Metcalf that two months should have passed since the reception of your very pretty present and no acknowledgement of it. Please lay it to my ignorance and not ingratitude. I believe I would rather you would think it that, that has caused the delay. I intended to write you before Mr. P. came home I felt like it and I thought it might be acceptable, but it kept me busy to keep Mr. P. posted and I did not feel much in the writing order. But when he came and gave me just what I have wanted so long and never had I thought I should write directly but one thing has happened so directly after another that writing time has seemed so hard to find. I shall prize your gift very [across top] I have Wilder to look at and often I see him too. I wish I had yourself and husband. Tell Wilder I do not wish to see him or hear of his standing lower than a 2nd once next year and he must commence the first day to do it. Love to Miss Barber and will you please give love to Hattie Dewitt and kindly remember me to Mrs. and Dr. Dewitt. I have not forgotten their kindness to strangers. I am anxious to hear how church matter stands. There are elements in our church in E. that do not combine very well. May ? rec. Power ? then and all be peaceful - church here have in fact have dismissed their minister, But he is still preaching and all is quiet. But I must close. With much love. Clara Parker