of redemption was accomplished. "He trod the wine press alone" - Of his disciples one had betrayed him, the others had fled, and even His Father's face was veiled. Oh the agony He endured! And all for our sins! - But it is finished, and He reigns triumphant in heaven - our risen - our ascended Savior. And still He intercedes "for those whose sins he bore" can any but love Him? March 16,- Concord N. H. Forenoon, Mr. Bouton from John 6-37. "And him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out". Afternoon, Mr. Flanders from Matt 6,33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God unclear his righteousness, and all these thing shall be added unto you". March 23 - Concord N.H. Mr. Bouton -, 26th anniversary "Sermon from Col. 1.10. Consider some things important to promote true spirituality in the church. 1. They must be united 2. They must be pure that the world may not point in unison to any number as a reproach to the cause of Christ. 3. Fervent prayer and active labor. The true disciple will work for his Master 4 Reverence for the Sabbath 5. Regular attendance on all religious meetings - during the week as well as on the Sabbath. To trifles should d