on Anti-Slavery lectures from Rhode Island who is by some called a shrewd, smart man and by others a blackguard, has been lectureing almost every night this fortnight and Mr Walker likes him much; the liberty party have had quite a triumph having prevented any choice of representatives five times; my school room, being a ward? room, was a plce for voting so that I and my scholars were turned out liberty men for the day, every time they voted. Mr. J. K?. Whipple - the veritable man spent a week in Bangor about a month ago. I saw him in our Sabbath School, but before I could speak to him he was gone, he looks in much better health than I ever before saw him; his residence at New Orleans has been beneficial to him I suppose. Have you engaged a school yet or do you expect to? and how long are you and Isaac intending to stay there? I am truly glad you are going to have such a good minister as Mr. Parker, I hope you will all profit much by the privileges you enjoy. I depend upon a letter from you and the other boys by this opportunity, you can certainly find time because your school of course will not keep? Installation day, and you can have time to write me a good long letter besides attending meeting. Why do you not attend writing school? Dear brother Elial? I have used ink? as you see most all my paper and as you may have reason to think, exhausted most all my store of ideas, but I will just say that I want to know how you get along with your studies, how you like the school and what improvement you are making write me an account of yourself, what you are studying, whether you write compositions, how often you attend to writing, how far from the academy you board Dr Ob??. My school is tolerably pleasant, about 50 in number we have had extremely pleasant weather here all the fall which is quite favorable for me, - Some persons here are almost running stark mad after Miller doctrines. One of the students has been dismissed from the Seminary and account of his extravagant conduct: A Mrs. Marden? whom all national people think is deranged, holds Miller meeting every even at her house, confidently affirming that next Aw.? will be the end of the world. Boys, I have you mountains? social prayer among yourselves.