From Newberry Transcribe
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Due [Interest?] [image] 1804 To amt Brot [void?] 656,17, 1806 To Amt Brot up 1014.59 April 7 To Paid Dist 5.84 Oct 31 Int paid 1.59

     27  To  disct         3.74                                                                    Nov 2.                   1.28
    28  To  paid dist     2.14                                                                        1. Cooper [unclear] disct off   2.61

May 5 To Paid Int 5.89 6 Paid 3.4

      7.  To Int to L B Munn  14.49                                                              12  Paid  disct     14.77
      "   To     ditto       2.28                                                                        16  Paid Disct       1233,73    20.24
      "   To:    ditto for BR      10,,50                                                            19  Paid this day   5.34
     22  To.    ""          "         3.36,                                                              22 paid disct       4.27
     25 To  for int {[image]    3...45                                                              29  paid             2.24
     26  To paid                   10.80                                                          Dec  3 paid            6.93 

June 8 pd Jos Williams & others 78.50 7 disct off W & Cattins note 1.41

       13  [image]   FB Musine   5.55  [underlined] 14657                              14  " on 500$          5,,3.4
       15  To Disct on 1200$     12.80                                                            17   disct    2,,6.7
        20  To  dirct  on 400  4.27                                                                    19           2 /--
        29  To  dirct  on 300   3.20                                                                 21    paid     1600 16.90[underlined]   906.3