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had behind them except some small matter they carried upon their? backs upon this information the court toke the matter into more deliberate consideration & sent back mr Cook with order to returns all the women & children & old men? backe to their place, & to bring downe only the inserted word--all men. unclear order was put in execution accordingly. And for the praying Indians belonging to punkapoag? were by order brought? downe inserted word--to Dorchester from their? forte & towne by Capt Brated? & his troope The court (after they had spoke? withe william Ahaton? & others of their principall men) unclear sure satisfaction from them? , that they were all returned backe to their habitations exept 3 or 4 men that were suspected ; But the wamesit men: about 33 were broughte downe to chalo? towne & served in the towne house unclear day until the court had unclear to examine & afterward the most of them? were returned home unclear ; word crossed out Some persons?suspected symbol--carrot unclear unclearunclear unclear. upon the 20th of october new clamors & reports were raised & fomented against the Christian Indians of Natick? upon pretense that some? of them had fired a House? and? old barne,