friends (B. Platt C Alexander & A. Gordon) to go up to the Park and share it with us. And for fear the cake would get old, we had to do it Sat P.M. So off we went and spent Sat PM from 3 till 5:30 on a tear and repented afterwards. I'm not joking about it but confessing and don't intend ever to yield to such nonsense again.
Hudson Taylor Mrs. T. and Miss Geraldine Gunness? came Sat. night. He preached morning and evening, and at 9. Monday. Miss G? stayed here, led our devotions in the morning oh beautifully. She talked about Rom 13:13. Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ. (the verse before went to our hearts after all our revelling and then we did it again last night!) She showed unclear she that of in which we should put on the Lord Jesus Christ life. 1. His life of humility & self emptying. 2. " " " faith dependence upon unclear