M.F. Chicago May 3/88 Mr. H. B. Stone Genl. Manager of CB and unclear City Dear Sir Following you will please find copy of my operative "M. Freport Thursday Apr 12/88 Today in Creston Opt. went on duty at 7 PM and remained untill 7 aM the next morning everything remained very quiet during his watch and nothing of importance occurred. Friday Apt. 13th 1888 Today Opt. went on duty at 7 PM and remained untill 7 AM the next morning. he visited the men several times during the night and found the attending unclear to their duty. At 8 AM a unclear was knocked down on Adams St. north of the RR depot and wihipped by the strikers he used his pistol twice without any effect and they took his pistol from him and did not hurt him very much nothing else occurred of any note during the night and Opt. discontinued.