with me in the Spring to invest for him. The balance I paid. I've written him offering to take half the trade and pay him 13? percent for his money. don't know what he will do and don't care very much. I yesterday took a contract to grade a street there, where there is to be an embankment estimated at 18,000 yards I got 50 cents per yard and have sublet it for 38 cents per yard. If the man does his work up in good shape I shall do very well by it. I made both contracts before breakfast yesterday morning. Our singing at the Presbyterian is so bad that I can hardly say that I enjoy it. We are to have a rehearsal this evening and I hope for better things tomorrow. Much love for all, please write S.W. Furber
For T.S.
I think that the building and improvements of the streets in this City this season will amount to $200000, think of that for a city of 10000 people the money for opening and grading streets is not assessed upon the City Rolls but is paid by the lots, per foot without regard to value, fronting upon the streets so opened and graded, repairs, culverts and street crossing are paid from City Treasury.