Chicago June 9 '88 H.B. Stone Esq Gen Manager unclear City Dear Sir Following you will please fine report of Officers? J.P and W.N? Thursday June 7 '88 Today in Aurora activity under instruction from G.W. Rhodes, Opr remained around the city to ascertain if Bozr? returned back up to unclear saw one? person answering his description. Opr then went to the vicinity of J.U. unlcear house No 75 S. Anderson St to shadow him in case he came out. On arriving there Opr saw a man answering the description of Ja B. working around the stable. At 7:30 p.m. he went into the house. At 9 p.m. Opr saw a man pass the house and look around, this repeated three times, unclear went west on Beutou St to La Salle then north to Fox, west to Broadway and north to entrance of Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers hall. He remained standing in the entrance about half and hour