charge in absence of Opr F.S. Opr then went to supper and returned at 7 p.m. and remained on duty until 11 p.m. when Officer Culkin took charge until 7 a.m. and found everything quiet and nothing of importance to report. Saturday June 2nd 1888 Ops F.S. further reports that he relieved Sgt. Culkin and guard at 7 a.m. and remained on duty until 6 o'clock p.m. watching the property of the RR Co in General - when I was relieved by Sgt and his men in his command-whom Opr detailed to duty as follows. Officer Goodrich and all the men unclear as Yesterday Opr then went to supper and returned to duty at 7:30 p.m. and patrolled the Yard until 11:30 p.m. Opr left Sgt. in charge and returned to Hotel and went to bed. Everything quiet and nothing of Importance to report.