Jane Everett [written in blue, atop the letter]
Mountain Parsonage, May 23, '57
Sister Mary,
Thank you for your kind letter which I received last evening and the [suggestion-underlined]. I hardly know what to do in re-gard to it. Were [Mrs. Holland-underlined] to apply to [me-underlined], I think, from your representations, I should be happy to accept the situation. As nothing has been said by her to [me-underlined[ or [you-underlined]/so far as I know in regard to engaging me, I had not given the matter any serious thoughts. The school in which I am now is, as you know, a very laborious one, owing to my having the case of [every thing-underlined] and I feel that it is taxing my strength more than I can a long time endure. This and the face that I should have a much better opportunity for greater influence, for good where I should be more [with-underlined] my [pupils-underlined] than is possible in a day school