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10 a.m. Osawatomie May 28 1879 I should think, or earlier, soon after I got up. Mary is feeling better than when I last wrote. Her stomach has troubled her so that she could not eat, only sip hot water, Now since Saturday she has been taking beef tea - made of stock that I once pasted? up and addressed to you. Mary was anxious lest it might get heated some way in uncle Sam's pocket and be melted enough to run. It was in a qt. baking powder can I turned it wrong side up and put it on a box close to our fire. Then forgot all about it & went on with my letter writing. When I did look the stock was running out slightly. So I put it away thinking I would put sealing wax on

in top margin it is a beautiful day- cool and no dust. There was some frost last night which showed on the hay near the barns early this a. m., but not enough to injure the corn. What do you think of the little surprise boy at Turin? It seems so strange to think that Ray? is no longer baby. He is a precious darling! No adventurous brother baby can oust him out of that title and I’ve no doubt he is just as full of mischief and not a bit set up because he’s not the youngest in the family. I must try to write to them. I made cake, pies (one gooseberry and one mince) and cookies yesterday for our lunch and Mary cooked a nice piece of corned beef to slice cold. We have also jelly and gooseberry sauce. Love to all. Mary is better. Rest well. Jennie