right bank of Tallapoosa, 20 miles above New,yau,cau. The settlements are on the narrow flat margin of the river on both sides. On the left side the mountains termintate. Here the uplands are too poor & broken for cultivation. The path from E,tow,woh in the Cherokee country over the tops of these mountains is a pretty good one. It winds down the mountains to this village. The river is here 120 yards wide, a beautiful clear stream. On the right side, off from the river flats, the land is waving; oak, hickory & pine, gravelly & in some places, large sheets of rock, which wave as the land; the grit coarse, but some of it fit for mill stones. The land is good for corn, the trees all small, ans some chestnut on the ridges. The range a good one for stock, reed in all the branches. On the path to New,yau,cau there is some large rock; the vein lies W.W. They are in two rows, parallel with each other; and the land good in their neighborhood. 5th. Au,che,nau Ul,gau from Au,che,nau, cedar, & ulgau, all, a cedar grove. These settlers are from Soo,chau,po,gau (the resort-of-terrapins) It is on a creek near the old town, 40 miles above New,yau,cau. This settlement is the farthwest N. of all the Creeks. the land is very broken in the neighborhood. West of this village a few miles, there are large reedy glades in flat land, red, post, and black oak, all small, the soil dark & stiff, with coarse gravel & in some places stone. From