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to? all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Greeting &?. Know ye that we the Subscribers and sealers to these Presents all of the Town of Norwalk & Danbury in the County of Fairfield within her majesties Colony of Consetico? in New England. For Divers? good Causes and Considerations us moveing, Hath Remissed, Releassed and forever quit Claimed; and by these presents, for our selves and for our heirs Do fully, clearly and absolutely Remise release and forever quit Claim, unto John Bolden, Samuell Keelerson unclear, Matthew Seamer, Matthias Saint John Junir, James Brown, Benjamin Wilson Benjamin Hecock, Samuel Saint John, Joseph Keeler, Samuell Smith, Samuell Keeler Junir, Jonathan Rockwell, Joseph Whitne, Thomas Hyat, James Bennedick, Joseph Crampton Matthew Saint John, Daniell Olmsted, Richard Olmsted, John Stirdevant Jonathan Stevens all of the Town of Norwalk aforesaid, and Thomas Smith, Thomas Canfield Samuell Smith and Ebenezer Smith of the Town of Milford in the County of Newhaven and Colony aforesaid. In their full and peaceable possession and unclear, and to their heirs and assigns? forever, all such Right Estate Title Interest and Demand whatsoever as We? the said subscribers &? had or ought to have of in or to any part of a Certain Percell of Lands Lately Purchased of Catonah Sachem of Ramajo? Indians and his asociates as by Deed of sale Bearing Date? Thirteth Day of September last past, Doth Express. To Have and to Hold all the said percell of purchase of Lands to them the said John Bolden with the Rest above named, their heirs and assigns to the only Use and Cohoof? of them the said John Bolden with the Rest aforesaid their heirs and assigns forever. So that neither they the subscribers, nor their heirs, nor any other person or persons for them of in their Names, or in the name Right or Stood of any of them, shall or will by any way or means unclear have? Claim, Challeng or unclear any Estate, right title or interest of in or to the promisses, or any part or percell thereof, But from all and? every? action, Right Estate title, Interest and Demand of in or to unclear promises or any part or percale thereof they and every of them shall be utterly Excluded and Barred forever by these presents. And also the said subscribers and their heirs the said Land with the appurtenances to the said John Bolden, Samuell Keelerson unclear Matthew Seamer, Matthias Saint John Junir, James Brown, Benjamin Wilson, Benjamin Hecock, Samuell Saint John, Joseph Keeler, Samuell Smith, Samuell Keeler, Jonathan Rockwell, Joseph Whitne, Thomas Hyat, James Bennedick Joseph Crampton, Matthew Saint John, Daiel Olmsted, Richard Olmsted, Thomas Smith, Thomas Canfield, Samuel Smith &? Ebenezer Smith their heirs and assigns, to them and their own proper Use an Uses in manns? and form afore specified, Against their heirs and assigns and every of them shall Warrant and forever Defend as the subscription of our names and fixation of our seales Do Testifie This third Day of December in the Seventh year of the Reign of our sovereign Lady Ann Queen of England unclear. Anno dominie 1708. Signed Sealed and delivered in the presents of Samuel Smith Jenier Thomas Bennydick John Beebe? unclear unclear In presence of us Men? of David Tuttle John Copp John Bonton of Danbury Signd these presents & sealed in presence of Samuel Comstock John Copp John Whittney Jenior Ebanezer Pention? Joseph Boutton unclear unclear Daniell Stoyt? The above named persons subscribers to the Above written Instrument the personally appears on unclear third Day of December unclear and did Acknowledge unclear to be their unclear and unclear Act and Deed Before unclear James Olmsted Justice John Beebee? one of unclear subscribers unto the above written Instrument Personally appeared; and Acknowledged the same to be his free act; Before me James Olmsted Justice John Bonton one of the Subscribers unto the above written Instrument Personally appeared and acknowledged the same to be his free act & Deed Dated in Danbury Before James Beebe Justice 1712 John Whitne Jener? Ebenezer Pention Joseph? Boutun? unclear Edmund Warving unclear Daniel Hayt John Beebes John Boutton? Ayer N A ms? 404? no.12