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222 Tuesday Nov 11th Strong head wind yet, and an awful sea on, we make but little headway, and are using up our coal, fast -- our fresh water gave out a day or two since, and all we have had to use since, was what has been made by the Engines, "from exhaust steam and the minute our coal gives out, of course' our supply of fresh water, is stoped at once, - finding out our situation, the passengers called a meeting -- a committee was chosen to wait upon the Capt and inform him of the doings of the meeting etc and request him, to put in to the nearest port. for Coal & Provisions, -- and should the refuse to do so, when requested, the passengers were determined to take the command themselves, by placing one of their number in command / an old sea Capt,/ and put away for Charleston -- the committee attended to their duties, and returned with the Capt, he stated our condition etc - and said he was perfectly willing, to put away for Charleston, and thought, our coal might possibly last, till we arrived there -- altho thought it doubtful unclear -- however he consented to run for Charleston, and the meeting dissolved -- and the Capt putaway for Charleston -- "I say, putaway, for Charleston unclear" -- our course was not changed much - not so, but that the wind, was still ahead, and was increasing too, at this time, with a tremendious sea on -- however we are doing as well as can be expected at such times. I suppose -- some fine rain during the day.-