SOLDIERS AND SAILORS THEATER BENEFIT One of the serious problems with which the government has had to con- tend is that of furnishing the proper kind of entertainment for our boys at the front. B'nai Brith undertook a big share of the task. It requires a great deal of money to keep the camp fires burning. Several months ago Judge Philip Bregstone volunteered to take charge of one entertainment. He consulted his friend, Mr. Joseph Kessler, the cele- rated Yiddish actor, who is at the head of one of the finest Yiddish play- ing companies in the world, and who happens to have a lease on the Hay- market Theater. Mr. Kessler offered the use of his theater and the services of his company at actual cost. Judge Bregstone then organized an execu- tive committee, consisting of himself as charman, Mr. Fred Bernstein as vice-chairman, Mrs. Philip Bregstone as chairman of the ladies, and Mrs. Fred Bernstein as vice-chairman. Mrs. Emil N. Zolla was drafted as secretary and Mr. Jacob Levin as treasurer. The Flower Committee consists of Mrs. Joseph R. Raske, chairman, as- sister by the Misses Genevieve Raske, Dorothy Driefuss, Florence Leyman, Gladys Stone, Lillian Porges, Blance Greenberg, Katherine Levy, Beatrrice Plaut, Estelle Mayer, Eleanor Rubel, Roe Benjamis. Ticket Committee - Mrs. Samuel Zucker, chairman; Mesdames Benjamin Schiff, David Saul Klafter, Jacob Gar- tenstein, A. Pink, Sam Snett, Henry Friend, M.B. Landy, Nathan Shoes- brod, Harry Berkman, Louis Myers, Bernard Horwich, Louis Greenberg, Harry Gershenow, L. Porges, I. Ben- jamin Moskowitz, A. Silbar. Program Committee - Mrs, Gottfried D. Bernstein, chairman; Mesdames Ed- win Romberg, vice-chairman; Milton Netzorg, Abe Kopel, Florence Hill, Edward Hellinger