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To all People to whom these Presents Shall come, Greeting, Know YE, That unclear McNeal of unclear:Newhaven? in the County of unclear:Newhaven? & Colony of Connecticutt For the Consideration of Two hundred pounds, money-- Received to my full Satisfaction, of Seth Wetmore unclear of Middleton in Hartford County & Colony aforsaid DO Give, Grant, Bragain, Sell and Confirm unto the said Seth Wetmore his hiers & all the Rights Tytle Interests Share and proportion strikethrough: and Interest that I have in land or Rights or lands in middleton aforsaid that I purchased of unclear:matthias? Shelley late of unclear:Hellingsworth? in unclear:Newhaven? County and Abigal his wife and of William unclear: Hiath? Late of Branford in New Haven County & Mary his wife flourish which of Right Belonged to them or either of them as they-- or either of them unclear the hiers or legal Representitives of Anthony Martin formerly of Said Middleton unclear or by any other ways or means whatever flourish TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above Granted and Bargained Premisses, with the Appurtenances thereof, unto him the said Seth Wetmore his Heirs and Assigns for ever to his and their own proper Use and Behoof. AND ALSO I the said unclear McNeal Do for my self my Heirs, Executors and Administrators, Covenant with the said Seth Wetmore his Heirs and Assigns, That at and until the Ensealing of these Present, I am well seised of the Premisses as a good Indedeasible Estate in Fee Simple; and have good Right to Bargain and Sell the same in Manner and Form as is above Writtenl and that the same is Free of all Incumbrances whatsoever. And Farthermore, I the said unclear McNeal do by these Present Bind my self and my Heirs for ever, to Warrant and Defend the above Granted and Bragained Premisses to