Cornish Dialogue between Joe Munglar and Ian Troodle- - - - - - - - -
Joe. Lord uncle Ian Troodle! dust hire the the news How so be we'er to stompey in tenbeven shoes Var the Vrenchmen and Spangards be coming the zay Vor ta Carry uz ale from ould England away
Hould your tongue you great Totaldum Pattrick a Newlyn what! becauze the ould women be divaling and druling And frightening one tother wa Goblins and Gostes And screatching! the frenchmen be come on the Coastes Art the sicky wit tivared saftbaked Tim doodle To think that they'l land thisem zide a the poodle? No dat um; they'l ne'er bring thich notion to beer Cohen theres borly cornish courage to gee men a theer And trust me Joe Munglar I'll wage ma orld hat