For Love
Write the following letters in the woman's girdle as long as she wouldn't notice that which has been written att + att + att + att + att +. Oh Christ! [For the spirit? (Olio = Oleo cf. LS. sv. Olium C) ], Oh Elias! Oh Christ!
Lest a woman lay with another man. Gather some herb of Apollo [i.e. laurel] or a bank of violets. On a full ☾, give it to her to drink. [crossed out: in blood]. See above pg. 14 B.
Or take an Apple before it fall from [th]e tree, write on it with the bloud of a white [pi]geon with your knifes point theis 3. words [L]ucifer, Sathanas, Raphael. Then say thus [I] coniure thee Apple by all the Devills [th]at tempted Adam and Eve in Paradice [th]at what woman soever taste of this Apple [s]he shall greatly be inflamed with love [to]wards me, so long as I list, et cetera.
Yf you wilbe loved of your master and mistress [..]an theis letters underwritten about your neck X+ S. + A + a + q. + P +. and [th]ey will love you wonderfully. Tested.
Take a nutmeg grave your name and [he]rs with a knives point theron and swallow it
Write A. G. V. R. V. S. P. Q. R. O. on your hand [be]fore the Sun rise. Touch any therwith.