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Tuesday Dec 17th 1861.

Another lovely day -- I never saw more beautiful night & days. Mr Badger quite unwell to day -- Dad better -- I had her dressed this afternoon for a little while -- children out walking -- My black velvet bonnet came home last night from Misses Wilders a very fashionable Milliner -- it has purple mixed with it. Mrs. William Sturgis and.Mrs Thos B. Penton called to day -- I will write to Pa to night I am afraid Ada will prevent our visiting Louisville on Christmas -- I have just received wedding cards of Marie T.? King? & Edwin C Johnson -- also Mrs? Tuthill Kings? compliments for Teusday Eve Dec 24th at 8. Oclock -- terrace? block -- Michigan Avenue -- Mr Badger gone to a meeting at Mr Thomas --

Wednesday De 18th 1861.

It again is very pleasant to day -- Ada I think decidedly better -- her fever I hope is broke -- Mr Badger is much better of his fever -- Mrs Jerome Beecher & her sister Mrs S. B. Cobb came to see me -- also Mrs. T.g? S. Flint & Miss Flint -- and Mrs Slee & Mrs Larnum -- also called -- I went down town this afternoon bought 2 red velvet scarfs for children -- and a gray flannel Sacque for myself -- Mrs Rawson is going to Louisville to night -- I heard to night of the death of Dellie Page of Louisville -- daughter of S. H.? Page -- it will be an awful blow to her poor old Mother.