To know yf one be bewitched or not. Hold molten lead over the Sick person and poure it into a porrenger full of water: Then yf there appeare upon the lead any Image, the party is bewitc[hed?]
Or looke stedfastly in the face especia[lly?]
on the eyes of the partie Suspected, and yf you See not y[letter o with a small letter r attached above] shadow in the Sight of the eye, the party is bewitched, and otherwise not.
To torment a Witch Put thatch over a withches bed, burn it and that will torment her. Some say, cast a dogs turd over her house. Others say set a hot horseshoo over their own dore against he[..] Some put Quicksilver vnder the threshold.
To withstand Witchcraft and to punish and torment the witch Say the 31. Psalme: and cast the patients urine into the fire: or els boyle it.